Posts Published by MooreLamarre

La saga ROCKY

  Rocky (1976, John Avildsen) [ Les deux premiers actes de Rocky, c’est Paterson 40 ans avant l’heure. Sylvester Stallone est un poète. ] Rocky II (1979, Sylvester Stallone) [ Sylvester Stallone est toujours aussi…

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La Dolce Vita

Federico Fellini is a brilliant filmmaker who has a unique style. La Dolce Vita” is wonderfully crafted, with gorgeous black & white photography, exceptional direction of actors and unconventional but engrossing storytelling. One of the…

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2006 log (1)

(1 Jan) Amadeus (1984, Milos Forman)84 [ Part of the AFI list (#53) ] (2 Jan) MASH (1970, Robert Altman)27 [ Part of the AFI list (#56) ] (3 Jan) Hostel (2006, Eli Roth)[ review…

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I first saw “Hard-Boiled” in the mid to late ’90s, in the defining period of my development as a cinéphile. I’ve always loved movies but as a kid, it was mostly mainstream Hollywood action flicks…

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Daaaaaaaaamn! I’m dumbfounded here. First, who’s this Howard McCain and how did he come out of nowhere and make such a kickass flick? And second, who are the bloody idiots who figured this oughta be…

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After the self-indulgent train-wreck that was Full Frontal, Steven Soderbergh reunites with George Clooney, with whom he previously made Out of Sight and Ocean’s 11, his most pleasurable movies in my humble opinion. Once again,…

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