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Tracksuits are a dead giveaway. Even if you’re being told that you’re part of an elite, that you’ve been chosen for a special purpose and that wonderful things await you, be suspicious if you’re all wearing tracksuits. If you’re being referred to by numbers, forget about it, RUN!!! Lincoln Six Echo (Ewan McGregor) has been living for years in a mysterious facility where everyone wears…

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Movie Infos Title: Ocean’s Eleven Year: 2001 Director: Steven Soderbergh Writer: Ted Griffin Starring: George Clooney Brad Pitt Matt Damon Don Cheadle Julia Roberts … How cool is George Clooney? From the first five minutes of “From Dusk Till Dawn”, I knew he would become a huge movie star eventually. Alright, “Batman & Robin” was lackluster, and he’s made a few other ho-hum movies, but…

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You might have heard about the Frat Pack, an unofficial fraternity of current Hollywood comedy actors who seem to always be co-starring with one another. Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller have played opposite each other in half a dozen movies, while Stiller and Vince Vaughn have been in three flicks together. Vaughn and Wilson both appeared in Stiller’s Zoolander and Starsky & Hutch, but they had practically no…

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Citizen Toxie

Troma is a company in a class of its own, or more accurately, a lack of class of its own. They pride themselves as being the last genuine independent studio, and they might be right. Here’s a production team with absolutely no corporate endorsement which survives only through its dedicated fan base which eat up every new insane flick they produce. Troma movies are like…

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Cruel Intentions

1999 brought a full barge of teen movies, most of them corny, shallow duds (“She’s All That” anyone?). But amongst all that were a few gems like “Election”, “Rushmore”, and to a lesser extent, “Cruel Intentions”. The film boasts fresh young faces and a hip soundtrack, but it actually has something to say about life and human nature; it’s not just about who you’re gonna…

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When the producer of Guy Ritchie’s movies makes his directorial debut, you have certain expect- ations. Is this gonna be another derivative, fast and furious, flashy but empty post-Tarantino gangster movie? Not quite. Michael Vaughn’s first film is indeed about criminals and it does occasionally go for style-for-style’s-sake, ain’t-it-cool badass attitude and violent gags. Yet there’s a more serious undercurrent, a sense that this is…

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Big Fat Liar

Here’s a likable if not particularly memorable little family movie about Jason Shepherd, a 14 year old boy (played by Frankie “Malcolm in the Middle” Muniz) who’s always lying through his teeth. Then one day, he realises that he might have cried wolf too often as he does lose a very important homework paper, in the back of a limo ridden by movie producer Marty…

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“Don’t be afraid.” Right from the first moments, the main impression that emanates from Christopher Nolan’s reboot of the Batman franchise is confidence. You’d think it’d be terrifying to touch this material after Joel Schumacher’s monumental sabotage but as this movie’s leitmotiv goes, we only fall so “we can learn to pick ourselves up”. Nolan’s film not only learned from Schumacher’s mistakes, but also from Tim Burton’s….

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K-9: P.I.

Remember that glorious 2 year stretch back in the late 80s when James Belushi, hot off performing with Second City and Saturday Night Live, was starring in all these hit Hollywood comedies? I can’t tell you how many times I watched “Red Heat”, “Mr. Destiny”, “Taking Care of Business” and the original “K-9” when I was a kid. But what has Belushi been doing since?…

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  What better on a cold February night than a supernatural action-adventure movie of epic proportions, featuring teleportation around the world, and awesome-looking special effects? When I first heard of Jumper, its premise, and the awesome talent behind the lens, I rushed to the theatre as soon as it came out, hoping to massage my brain with spectacular and brainless fun. I was thirsty for…

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