If you’re not familiar with Todd McFarlane’s best-selling comic book, here’s the story of “Spawn”. Al Simmons used to be an assassin for the US government. He was killed by his corrupted boss and sent to hell. Down there, he made a deal with the Devil: he agreed to lead Lucifer’s armies if he could just go back on Earth to see his beloved wife…
40 Is the New 20
Simon Boisvert is a rather unique case in Quebec cinema. For almost ten years now, he’s been writing, producing, directing and acting in films away from the spotlight, financing them himself and also taking care of their distribution, which is often very limited. That’s not what makes him so special, mind. You see, there are quite a few other underground filmmakers who do their own…
A Christmas Carol
For almost the entirety of this decade, Robert Zemeckis has been perfecting the techniques of performance capture and 3D filmmaking, creating truly immersive movies that, at their best, do feel like the future of cinema. As one much more into mythical adventures than Xmas flicks, I feel that “Beowulf” is by far Zemeckis’ greatest achievement in this performance capture/3D field, but like “The Polar Express”,…
Bruce Almighty
“If I were God I’d get a bunch of slaves to do everything. Norwegian lesbians that feed me grapes and know how to sing…” That’s from the Bloodhound Gang’s Hell Yeah, in which Jimmy Pop sings about what he would do if God lent him his powers. Imagine if it was Jim Carrey who would become the Almighty Lord, that’d make a good movie, right?…
Michel Gondry
Films2013L’ÉCUME DES JOURSIS THE MAN WHO IS TALL HAPPY?: AN ANIMATED CONVERSATION WITH NOAM CHOMSKY 2012 THE WE AND THE I 2011THE GREEN HORNET 72[ review ]2009L’ÉPINE DANS LE COEUR2008 BE KIND REWIND 40 [ With “La Science des rêves”, Michel Gondry made his most personal film, finally shooting in France again and putting his wild imagination and his love of artisanal visual effects more…
Spy Kids
What happens when the deadliest Latino secret agent and the swiftest American female spy are sent to off each other? Well, for Gregorio Cortez (Antonio Banderas) and Ingrid (Carla Gugino), they ended up falling in love, getting married, and quitting the world of international intrigue only to embark on their most difficult task ever: raising children! So here we are 9 year later, with the…
Movie Infos Title: U Turn Year: 1997 Director: Oliver Stone Writer: John Ridley Starring: Sean Penn Nick Nolte Jennifer Lopez Billy Bob Thornton Powers Boothe … Time: 125 min. Genre: Drama / Thriller Bobby Cooper thinks he’s lucky. Poor bastard, imagine if he wasn’t… Bobby’s a big gambler, driving through the states in his kick ass Mustang 64. Of course, his favorite place is Las…
Movie Infos Title: The Shawshank Redemption Year: 1994 Director: Frank Darabont Writer: Frank Darabont Starring: Tim Robbins Morgan Freeman Bob Gunton William Sadler James Whitmore … If you ask me,, movies are the greatest thing in the world. I love how they can make you feel good in all sorts of way. Some make you laugh, some make you think, some thrill you, some make…
Philippe Falardeau
2000 La moitié gauche du frigo67 [ This faux-vérité film about an unemployed engineer’s struggles to find work is both a character study/showcase for actor Paul Ahmarani and a Michael Moore-style leftist treatise about the failings of the capitalist system. Good stuff. ] 2006 Congorama89 “Ich Bin Ein Quebecer!” When a misunderstood Belgian inventor (Olivier Gourmet) learns from his sick old father (Jean-Pierre Cassel) that…
Speed Racer
As far as he can remember, Speed Racer (Emile Hirsch) has always had only one passion: auto racing. Even the tragic death of his brother during a rally couldn’t change that. But when Speed, who has always raced under his family’s banner, turns down a lucrative offer from a major constructor, the latter does everything in its power to make him regret it. Will corporate…