Melvin Udoll’s a mean man. A real mean and grumpy old prick, and an obsessive-compulsive one too. Every day’s a struggle for him. He has to go through the same patterns every day or he’ll flip out. Getting in his apartment or just taking a walk is a hard task for Melvin. His own annoying habits piss him off, but he can’t help it so…
Movie Infos Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Year: 2002 Director: Peter Jackson WHAT TWO TOWERS? Minas Morgul, the watchtower guarding the entrance to Mordor, home to the unspeakable evil of Sauron, and Orthanc, the citadel of devious wizard Saruman (Christopher Lee) and his armies of Uruk-hai, which he’s about to unleash upon Rohan.ROHAN? A land north of Gondor also populated by…
Enter the Void
Is it overlong, uneven, repetitive? Maybe. Is Gaspar Noé playing the provocateur card a bit too blatantly at times, revelling in his own excesses? Probably. Is his latest film filled with such sensory overload that even the most dedicated viewer will have trouble processing it all in one gulp? For sure. But at his best, Noé is so far ahead of everyone else that “Enter…
Movie Infos Title: A Streetcar Named Desire Year: 1951 Director: Elia Kazan Writer: Tennessee Williams, Oscar Saul As far as acting goes, it doesn’t get much better than this amazing adaptation of the classic, Pulitzer prize-winning Tennessee Williams play. This is a story as emotionally complex as it gets, revolving around a group of flawed, complicated, painfully human characters who are all played with rare…
CHAPTER ONE, in which the inevitable comparison is made While “Manderlay” is indeed the S to the U that was Dogville in Lars von Trier’s United States of America Trilogy and while it does share some of the same protagonists, themes and aesthetic devices as its predecessor, it is a different film. For starters, Grace is not played by the same actress, and her role…
2014 log (7-8)
(2 Jul) Silver Linings Playbook (2012, David O. Russell) 85 [ I love these recent David O. Russell movies. They take a familiar genre and make it feel fresh and exciting. Here, you’re pretty much dealing with a romantic comedy, except it’s often frantic and full of nervous energy, both in the way the characters behave and in the way the film is put together, and…
Coming to America
“Coming to America” is one of the films I’ve watched and enjoyed the most as a kid. It’s as entertaining as it gets. It’s many things at once: a romantic comedy, an hilarious fish-out-of-water story, as well as an interesting take on the power of money. John Landis has had his load of real successful comedies, but that’s his masterpiece. Never has Eddie Murphy been…
Step Brothers
It’s a pretty common story. Single parents meet and form a new family, which doesn’t always please their kids. This is what happens to Robert (Richard Jenkins) and Nancy (Mary Steenburgen), who each have a son living with them when they move in together, the particularity being that said sons are both 40! Worse, on top of refusing to leave home, Brennan (Will Ferrell) and…
Little Nicky
Adam Sandler is back, and he’s more retarded than ever! Well, I’m saying this, but I’m a big fan, so what does that make me, ey? On TV in Saturday Night Live, on his comedy albums, and in a series of dumb and dumber movies, Sandler always makes me laugh hard. His work is not the smartest or the wittiest or anything, but there’s a…
Lady in the Water
Kevin L.: This is not a popular belief, but it’s true: over his last five pictures, M. Night Shyamalan has created one of the most consistent and thematically rich film cycles of the decade. Forget his boast that he’s “made four studio movies, super-personal, from [his] original screenplays [that] are the most successful four consecutive originals Hollywood has had in the last decade.” I’m not…