Movie Infos Title: Lake Placid Year: 1999 Director: Steve Miner  I would never have paid to see this movie if it wasn’t for good old Harry Knowles, whose “Ain’t it Cool News” website is THE place to go for film obsessed geeks like myself. I mean, come on, the movie looked horrible! But Harry assured he had fun watching it, and you know what: he’s…

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Lethal Weapon

As I’m writing this, “Lethal Weapon 4” has just hit theaters, and it gives a whole new perspective to the original. What I mean is that, if you judge by the three sequels, you’d think the series is all about feel-good action comedy. But the first film is darker and more intense, even though it still has its lighter moments. It’s not, like, “Taxi Driver”,…

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Bowling for Columbine

What’s with the US’ fevered fixation on the right to bear arms? Can’t people see the connection between the unreal number of firearms they collectively own and how the United States of America is by far the country where murder is most rampant in the world? In his timely, thought-provoking new film, Michael Moore dives right into these issues and pursues all kinds of potential…

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Krimo (Osman Elkharraz), a fifteen year old living in an HLM cité outside of Paris, dreams of going around the world on a sailboat with his parents. It’s not for anytime soon though, what with his father being in jail and his mother slaving away in a supermarket… In the meantime, Krimo goes to school, hangs out with his buddies, nothing special. He’s got this…

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L.A. Confidential

“L.A. Confidential” is the closest thing to a classic cop movie you could imagine, a throwback to a few decades ago. I mean, these days, movies seem more fond of gangsters. The only cop movies we see are big action comedies à la “Lethal Weapon”. Maybe that’s why this film is set in the 50s, in and around Hollywood, as the respectable image of the…

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Road House

Crom knows I love homoerotic ’80s action flicks, but somehow I’d never seen “Road House” until now. What finally convinced me to stop putting away watching what I knew was one of the classic guy movies of my generation (along with personal favorites like Die Hard, Predator, etc.) was when I learned that they were releasing a Deluxe Edition DVD that included an unlikely commentary…

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Snake Eyes

Nicolas Cage stars as Rick Santoro, a crooked detective from Atlantic City, as well as a terrific character. Not many characters have such an elaborate evolution through a film. Santoro is first presented to us as a corrupt cop with a taste for women, gambling and boxing. When he goes to this big title fight, it’s simply to have a good time and maybe score…

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Movie Infos Title: Bedazzled Year: 2000 Director: Harold Ramis  I really, really loved this movie. Oh, sure, it’s not “Touch of Evil” or anything, but man do you come out of the theater with a huge smile on your face, a numb feeling in the jaw and even warm fuzzy butterflies in your heart. Yup, Harold Ramis did it again. The man who gave us…

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Cop Land

Sylvester Stallone stars as Freddy Hefflin, the fat, sad and bored Sheriff of Garrison, a small New Jersey town inhabited by NYPD cops. Hefflin would want to be a real cop, but an hearing problem keeps him off the force. So he just keeps on doing his job without enthusiasm. He doesn’t even seem to notice that the town of Garrison is extremely corrupted. It…

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Jiminy Glick in Lalawood

What’s hilarious about Jiminy Glick, the jolly fat fellow with the erratically pitched voice Martin Short personifies in Comedy Central’s Primetime Glick, is how he makes the usually hyper polished and antiseptic celebrity interview format implode. Unlike other press junket reporters who are all about kissing movie star ass, Glick is bored, disrespectful and generally incoherent – he goes against the whole prepackaged marketing game…

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