
Michel CĆ“tĆ© has often made the whole province laugh on stage (ā€œBroueā€), TV (ā€œLa Petite Vieā€) and the big screen (Cruising Bar), but heā€™s also an under-appreciated dramatic actor. His turn in ā€œC.R.A.Z.Y.ā€ should prove once and for all that heā€™s one of our very best. CĆ“tĆ© is stirring as a loving but old fashioned father of five boys who we follow over two decades….

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Is it me or is this film way overrated? It is a more or less enjoyable picture, okay, but it’s far from being a masterpiece. I’m pretty sure that what most like about it is the idea of it rather than the film by itself. The whole film is about 50s teenagers who cruise around in their big American cars while listening to Wolfman Jack’s…

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  Todd Solondz made his debut with the affecting teen angst drama ā€œWelcome to the Dollhouseā€, but he really made an impression with 1998ā€™s ā€œHappinessā€, a wonderfully cynical look at some not so happy individuals. I personally loved it (it was #3 on my year-end Top Ten), but many people criticised Solondz for making fun of these poor souls in a mean-spirited way, for trying…

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Scary Movie 2

Last time we checked on girl-next-door Cindy (Anna Faris), pothead Shorty (Marlon Wayans), soul sister Brenda (Regina Hall) and her not that ambiguously gay boyfriend Ray (Shawn Wayans), they had barely survived being stalked by a ghost-faced madman with a cell phone and a butcher knife in and around their high school. Itā€™s now one year later and theyā€™re all in college and enjoying quieter,…

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The Parent Trap

Aah, Walt Disney, what an odd empire. Both a magical world cherished by children and a despicable example of capitalism gone mad. But you canā€™t deny that their thirtysomething self-proclaimed ā€œanimation masterpiecesā€ are exceptional family entertainment. Of course, their live action division is not as memorable, but once in a while, they do produce a film thatā€™s not too predictable, not too corny and not…

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Reign of Fire

Donā€™t you hate films whose ambitions exceed their reach? Hereā€™s a movie with a million dollar high concept: use the latest technology in special effects and computer generated imagery to create the most impressive dragons weā€™ve ever seen on screen, but instead of putting them into the usual context of medieval hills and castles, smack them right into the 21st century opposite army tanks, Black…

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Edward Scissorhands

Magical. This movie is purely magical! It made me laugh, it made me think, it made me cry, and it made me believe inā€¦ magic. This unique masterpiece was co-written and directed by Tim Burton, one the most visionary filmmakers of the last decade. His movies are not always perfect, but even lesser efforts like ā€œBatmanā€ feature his signature quirkiness and invention. ā€œEdward Scissorhandsā€ takes…

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Ā  previously: The Fountain) ā€œWaitaminuteā€¦ Do you mean to tell us that ā€œAvatarā€ has instantly secured a place amongst the best films of the decade?ā€ Damn right it has! Hereā€™s a picture that is so visionary and brilliant that it overshadows nearly every other Hollywood blockbuster that came before. There is certainly none that came close in 2009, only a handful released in the last…

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Movie Infos Title: Cast Away Year: 2000 Director: Robert Zemeckis Here’s a film which had to be fascinating if only for its making. How director Robert Zemeckis and star Tom Hanks (who also produced and developed the story with screenwriter William Broyles Jr.) shot the first scenes, then took a nearly year-long hiatus so Hanks could lose weight and grow shaggy hair and beard to…

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AstƩrix et ObƩlix Contre CƩsar

Iā€™ve always loved Asterix. I real all of his albums countless times, enjoying immensely Rene Goscinnyā€™s hilarious writing and Albert Uderzoā€™s lively, colorful drawings. These characters are so familiar to me that itā€™s almost as if I knew them. A few cartoon adaptations of the hugely popular European comic strip have been made, and theyā€™re mostly fun, especially ā€œAsterix & ClĆ©opĆ¢treā€, a highly imaginative and…

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