Movie Infos Title: Scream Year: 1996 Director: Wes Craven Writer: Kevin Williamson Starring: Neve Campbell Drew Barrymore Courteney Cox Skeet Ulrich David Arquette … High School is hell, right? Imagine your teenage life if your mother was brutally murdered last year and now it’s you her killer is after! This is the premise of this exciting, delightfully self-mocking slasher movie. “Scream” follows girl-next door Sidney…
“I’ve always had a fascination with the bizarre, the surreal, the Grand Guignol, the grotesque. I’ve always liked imperfections. I never really wanted to sell perfection.” – Nicolas Cage Born Nicolas Coppola on January 7th 1964, Cage is the nephew of (you guessed it) Francis Ford Coppola. His first credited part is in the classic high school comedy Fast Times At Ridgemont High (1982), but…
There’s a lot to love about Mel Gibson‘s Oscar-winning epic. Set around the end of the 13th century, the film tells the legendary story of William Wallace, a courageous Scottish warrior who led his peers in fighting the tyrannical King of England and his armies. The Scots may be in lesser number, and there are feuds among them, but Wallace ignites their patriotism and their…
If anything, Robert Rodriguez knows how to shoot a bunch of super cool little bits and cut them into a spectacularly badass trailer, which is exactly what he did when he made the fake “Machete” trailer that opened “Grindhouse”. What he doesn’t quite seem to know how to do is how to make a movie that doesn’t also seem like a bunch of super cool little bits….
Movie Infos Title: Toy Story 2 Year: 1999 Director: John Lasseter Writer: Andrew Stanton, Rita Hsiao, Doug Chamberlain, Chris Webb, Doug Chamberlin Starring: Tom Hanks Tim Allen Don Rickles Jim Varney Wallace Shawn … Time: 92 min. Genre: Animation / Family / Comedy / Fantasy You know what’s weird with movies? They can be so many things to so many people at the same time,…
Movie Infos Title: Shanghai Noon Year: 2000 Director: Tom Dey Writer: Alfred Gough, Miles Millar Starring: Jackie Chan Owen Wilson Lucy Liu Rafael Baez Roger Yuan … Jackie Chan stars as Chon Wang (get it? John Wayne), a 19th century Imperial guard in the Forbidden City who comes to America to rescue Princess Pei Pei (Lucy Liu), who’s been kidnapped by a Chinese traitor who…
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Christmas movies, by and large, are movies you need to watch through a child’s eyes. They tend to be feel-good, gooey, sentimental ventures, and the cynical modern man might want to look down on all that. But then… It’s Christmas, darn it, happy happy joy joy is what it’s all about. And then again, there’s the occasional Yuletide tale like Dr Seuss’ classic Grinch book…
Movie Infos Title: The Fast and the Furious Year: 2001 Director: Rob Cohen Aaah, Vin Diesel. You might not know him yet, but believe me, you will. He made good of bit parts in “Saving Private Ryan” and “Boiler Room”, gave “The Iron Giant” his deep, low voice, and in my “Pitch Black” review, I suggested he could become the next Schwarzenegger. Scratch that; he…
Alias – Season One
This is hardly the first series about espionage and international intrigue, but if feels fresher, edgier and smarter than the genre has in a long time. Or maybe I’m just blinded by my schoolboy crush on Jennifer Garner. Grad student by day, CIA spy by night, Garner’s Sydney is one sexy badass cool mama! Garner goes through so many looks, moods and dimensions in each…
Road to Perdition
Sam Mendes needs to get his hands on a truly great screenplay. Alan Ball’s “American Beauty” script achieved a kind of greatness, but there’s no doubt that it’s the stunning look Mendes gave the film that made it so memorable. There’s a feeling in “Road to Perdition” that same thing may occur, but the problems of this script are far greater than the occasional sitcomish…