Movie Infos Title: 8 Mile Year: 2002 Director: Curtis Hanson Starring: Marshall Mathers III … Marshall Mathers III, better known as rap superstar Eminem, is decidedly a controversial figure. You’ve heard his detractors: he’s vulgar! violent! misogynist! homophobic! racist! That’s all hogwash. Sure, the guy’s got issues, he’s got a bad temper and apparently a lot of trouble with women (at least with his mom…

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The Runaways

“This isn’t about women’s lib, kitties, this is about women’s libido! Not since Brian De Palma’s “Carrie” do I recall a movie about teenage girls starting with such an overt depiction of the outset of puberty. I mean, the first shot of “The Runaways” literally shows a drop of blood falling to the ground from between Cherie Currie (Dakota Fanning)’s legs, as she gets her…

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Kevin Smith Interview

Here I am, nervous as hell, waiting for a call from the man himself, Kevin Smith, to talk about his brilliant Clerks II DRING! Hello. Hi, I’m looking for a Kevin. Speaking – wait a second, I’ll put you on speakerphone… CLICK! Aww, crap. Yeah, I hung up on Kevin Smith. Thankfully, he was kind enough to call my stupid ass back! DRING! Hello? Hi,…

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When I meet Jay Baruchel for our interview, on the terrace of the Studio Juste pour rire, he’s coming back from across the street, where he was posing for a photographer who asked him to get into all kind of odd positions while lying atop a bunch of old cardboard boxes. That guy had you do some pretty crazy stuff, eh? “Oh my God… They…

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Donnie Brasco

Donnie Brasco is an ambitious thug, or so it seems. In fact, he’s Joseph Pistone, an undercover FBI agent who lived as a gangster for years. As the film begins, he’s about to enter the big leagues. His ticket is Lefty, a bitter wise guy who worked for the Mob for 30 years but was never made. He befriends Brasco and helps him make his…

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2016 log (6)

(8 Jun) Finding Dory (2016, Andrew Stanton)85 [ Reviewed on Extra Beurre ] (9 Jun) Jaws (1975, Steven Spielberg)94 [ Watching this again, more than forty years after it exploded as the first modern Hollywood blockbuster, one can appreciate more than ever the way Spielberg keeps the shark unseen for most of the film and how much time and care he puts in developing Roy…

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A Night at the Roxbury

A trendy Manhattan nightclub. Haddaway’s cheez-dance smash hit “What Is Love?” is loudly playing. Two Gucci suit-wearing, sideburned, hair-gelled, nose-strutting, head-shaking brothers are leaning over the bar. They turn and scan the crowd, looking for babes. “Wanna dance? Me? Him? Me? Him?” They approach the lady, jump frantically around her, sandwich her on the dance floor and dry-hump her until she leaves, pissed. “Score!” Okay,…

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Movie Infos Title: Blade Year: 1998 Director: Stephen Norrington  Oh man! This is so the best comic book adaptation ever! “Superman” is dated and uneven, “Batman” is more about style than substance, “The Crow” is strangely unexciting, “The Phantom” is a lot of fun but a bit childish and “Spawn” is busier with FX than anything else. Now comes “Blade”, a take-no-prisoners flick with more…

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Fight Club

“You are not your job. You are not how much you have in the bank. You are not the car you drive. You are not the contents of your wallet. You are not your khakis. You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. What happens first is you can’t sleep. What happens then is there’s a gun in your mouth. What happens next is you…

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I know some will find my two star rating here incredible, as most reviews will go with single or even zero stars. There’s even a dude on IMDb calling it “the worst movie I have ever seen”, and I can’t say that I blame him. I mean, just the synopsis baffles the mind: an ex-spy monkey now working as a trapeze artist must go back…

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