Pulp Fiction

“Mmm-hmm… That is a tasty burger!” This one is good, real good. Quentin Tarantino is one of the most gifted filmmakers working today, and his “Pulp Fiction” is a film you could discuss for hours. It’s often referred to as the most influential film of the 1990s, and I have no problem believing that. I wrote a 50-page essay about it in film school but…

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Bang Bang Orangutang

    I’m not a huge fan of film festivals. At least, I’m not partial to that habit some of my fellow movie buffs have of going on ten-day cinematic binges, spending day and night in darkened theaters. I’ve done this once or twice when I was easing into becoming a professional critic, but I always wound up exhausted and the films started merging with…

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Kiss of Death

Oh, what that film could have been? I mean, it’s still not too bad a picture as is, but on paper, it had the potential to become one of the coolest 90s crime pictures, along with “GoodFellas”, “Reservoir Dogs”, “Carlito’s Way” and “Donnie Brasco”. It’s a contemporary remake of the 1947 film of the same name, which I haven’t seen. I’m pretty sure the two…

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Movie Infos Title: Collateral Damage Year: 2002 Director: Andrew Davis Writer: Peter Griffiths, David Griffiths, Ronald Roose, Nicholas Meyer Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger Francesca Neri John Leguizamo John Turturro Elias Koteas … Time: 115 min. Genre: Action / Thriller  Here’s how star Arnold Schwarzenegger describes the film : “It’s an action movie. Colombian guerillas attack a motorcade in Los Angeles that has the Colombian ambassador inside….

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Attack the Gas Station

You often hear that there’s a whole world (literally) between the Occident and the Orient. Hanging at Montreal’s Fantasia festival and watching a bunch of Asian movies proves it largely. What was last year’s biggest hit in North America? Why, it was “Star Wars – Episode One”, a quite visionary and entertaining but nonetheless old fashioned, bloated, made to please grandparents and their grand kids…

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Movie Infos Title: Training Day Year: 2001 Director: Antoine Fuqua Writer: David Ayer Genre: Drama / Crime / Action Here’s a movie about cops, about the streets, about justice… Actually, to me it felt like it was really about one thing: scary Black guys. Make that two things, there’s scary Latinos too. Oh, and rich old white drug dealers, crooked cops and Russian gangsters. Mix…

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1939 is generally considered to be the greatest year in film history. In those 12 months, audiences got to discover such timeless classics as “Gone With the Wind”, “The Wizard of Oz” and “Stagecoach”, to name but three movies which, if you were to crossbreed them, might just give birth to something like this here “Australia”, an epic down-under Western fairy tale set in “a…

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The Fog of War

Roger Ebert has said, “After twenty years of reviewing films, I haven’t found another filmmaker who intrigues me more… Errol Morris is like a magician, and as great a filmmaker as Hitchcock or Fellini.” That’s rather excessive praise, but one thing that can’t be argued is that Morris’ recent win of the Best Documentary Oscar was well deserved (at least considering that Academy voters don’t…

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My Best Friend’s Wedding

Hey, I actually really liked this picture. At first, I wasn’t particularly attracted to it. As you know, I usually go to the movies to see macho studs and gangsters, edgy independent flicks, wild comedies or intelligent dramas, but I rarely check out chick flicks before they’re on video. Don’t think it’s because I’m a man’s man: I’m well in touch with my feminine side,…

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Deepa Mehta’s Heaven on Earth

So this is your third time coming to Montreal to show one of your films at the Festival du Nouveau Cinéma? “Yes. I love this city and I love this festival. It’s a very intelligent festival, it has edge and they’ve got good taste in movies.” Well, they’ve selected Heaven on Earth, and it is indeed an interesting movie, not to flatter you– “No-no, please…

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