What do you get if you cross a jellyfish, starfish, sea cucumber and a whole lotta Gamma radiation? Why, a big hulking monster, of course! David Banner (Nick Nolte) is a dog-loving shaggy dog of a mad scientist for the US Army who tests his bizarro-goo on himself. There’s apparently no effect, but when Banner’s wife gives birth to a son, right away David can…

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This film is to ‘60s sex comedies what last year’s “Far From Heaven” was to ‘50s melodramas: an irresistible throwback to the glamour, wit and style that used to characterise Hollywood. “Down With Love” is basically an unofficial remake of “Pillow Talk”, the Oscar-winning 1959 romantic comedy about a shameless skirt-chaser who dons a fake Southern accent to seduce a feminist who’s wise to his…

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Let’s get this out of the way: “Reloaded” will not have a tenth of the pop culture impact that The Matrix had. It will make tons of money, but few will honestly love it the way they loved the first film. That doesn’t mean that it’s a horrible movie but, like the Star Wars prequels, while it’s good enough and even great at times, it just doesn’t…

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Good Golly, I love summer! I was getting so freakin’ depressed these past couple of months, what with the cold grayness of everything… I needed a sunny day even more than Igby. This week’s been just right, warm and bright. I’ve been riding my bike through the city, I grooved at the Tam-Tams by the Mont-Royal, I had a few frosted coffee thingies and today, I…

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It starts with clever titles (think Braille), followed by an ominous opening sequence establishing the twisted use of religious motifs and the fact that Daredevil is no invincible Superman: he lies half-dead atop a church, bleeding heavily. We then get the origin story through a few short but evocative scenes. Lawyer Matt Murdock lost his sight when he was hit by a truck carrying barrels…

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Cathy Withaker has it all: a great big house in the Connecticut suburbs, a successful husband, adorable kids, nice friends to invite for soirées and benefits… But when she finds herself growing closer to Raymond Deagan, the family’s Black gardener, she realises that the world around her can be a cold and mean place. Bringing further confusion into her life is the revelation by her…

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Early in the film, college boy Sean Bateman reflects to himself that he’s “a vampire who feeds off other people’s emotions”, implying that he has none of his own. Right away we’re reminded of Sean’s brother Patrick, who we met in Mary Harron’s American Psycho as his own vampiresque urges sent him on a murderous rampage. Both movies are adapted from novels by Brett Easton Ellis, but…

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On her commentary track for the DVD of “Monsoon Wedding”, director Mira Nair talks about how her movie is about making something very close to her home to Delhi in India, telling a simple but true story about her family and the Punjabi people in general: “The Punjabis are known for working hard but partying even harder, and nothing exemplifies this spirit of living and…

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Artificial Intelligence

To : Mr. Steven Spielberg Cc : Montreal Film Journal readers Subject : Artificial Intelligenge, or how I yearned to love that bomb Dude. Face it. You can’t write. You can direct great, but you can’t write. How you managed to pen Close Encounters of the Third Kind (your previous solo script), I don’t know; ghost writers, maybe? Anyway, the matter at hand is your…

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(2 May) Savage Messiah (2002, Mario Azzopardi) 48 [ Another powerful, terrifying performance by Luc Picard as a sadistic and perverted guru. Too bad the overall film is rather pedestrian. ] (3 May) Spider-Man (2002, Sam Raimi) [ review ] 85 (5 May) The Devil’s Advocate (1997, Taylor Hackford) 51 [ I’d call this a guilty pleasure. It’s crass, cheesy, and wrong in so many ways, but it’s fun…

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