Movie Infos Title: Toy Story Year: 1995 Director: John Lasseter Writer: John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton, Pete Docter, Joe Ranft, Alec Sokolow, Joss Whedon, Joel Cohen, Alec Starring: Tom Hanks Tim Allen Don Rickles Annie Potts John Ratzenberger … Time: 81 min. Genre: Animation / Family / Comedy / Fantasy “Toy Story” is not only a spectacular technical achievement but also a compelling story full of…
Browsing Category Movie Reviews
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
(random thoughts) love love love pain pain pain forget the pain… forget the love? Ok, so where do we start? This is one of those elusive movies that are utterly original, brilliant and complex. I can easily see myself writing thousands of words and not nearly be done with it, but what good would that do? Further down the line, a rambling, chuck-full-o’-spoilers piece might…
This independent hit movie is good, real good. It’s about a guy who broke up with his long time girlfriend 6 months ago. Now, he lives in LA. With his swinging buddies, he tries to find work and love. What’s great about this film is that it’s totally original. Usually, in Gen X movies, the characters are losers, clerks, mallrats and other misfits with no…
Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over
Whether you like his movies or not, you’ve got to be impressed by Robert Rodriguez’ drive. In barely a decade, he’s written, produced, directed, etc. two whole trilogies (not to mention From Dusk Till Dawn, The Faculty, the best of the Four Rooms and the made-for-TV “Roadracers”). I’m personally fonder of his “El Mariachi” flicks, but the Spy Kids movies have been fun too… until…
Chuck and Buck
Here’s an odd film: a heartfelt, sweet and funny little story about a coming of age better late than never, it’s also the disturbing tale of a pathetic gay sociopath and the man he stalks. Odd blend for sure, sort of like “Forrest Gump” meets “The Talented Mr. Ripley”. Mike White (who also wrote the script) stars as Buck, a funny looking 27 year old…
That corny title, the fact that it stars Robin Williams and the boy from the “Spy Kids” movies, the sentimental opening narration accompanied by syrupy music… At first, I was like what the hell, did Bobcat Goldthwait really write and direct this Disneyfied tripe? Of course, that impression only lasted about two minutes, after which I was hit by the barrage of foul language, sexual kinks and various instances…
Steve Martin has got to be one of our finest comedians, but he often chooses to star in less than great films. But once in a while, he writes his own material, to great results. Bowfinger is his first script since the brilliant romantic fantasy L.A. Story, a wicked satire of the absurdity of the Los Angeles lifestyle. This time, Martin takes a shot at…
A Letter to Elia
What kind of person must a film director train himself to be? What qualities does he need? Here are a few. Those of a white hunter leading a safari into dangerous and unknown country; a psychoanalyst who keeps a patient functioning despite intolerable tensions and stresses, both professional and personal; a hypnotist, who works with the unconscious to achieve his ends. The cunning of a…
Movie Infos Title: The Matrix Year: 1999 Director: Andy Wachowski, Larry Wachowski Writer: Andy Wachowski, Larry Wachowski Starring: Keanu Reeves Laurence Fishburne Carrie-Anne Moss Hugo Weaving Joe Pantoliano … If there has to be a quint- essential film for the end of the millennium, this is it. I’ve never seen a movie that blended so exhilaratingly high-concept science- fiction, nerve pounding action and philosophical allegory,…
Movie Infos Title: Jackie Brown Year: 1997 Director: Quentin Tarantino If there was one film to see in 1997, this has to be the one. It might not have a huge budget, explosive special FX sequences or current superstars, but it’s the year’s coolest and smartest film. While it does offer hilarious dialogue and some wild outbursts, this is mostly a picture that takes the…