Movie Infos Title: Face / Off Year: 1997 Director: John Woo Thank God for John Woo, the best action director in the world. He’s the man who brings poetry to violence and who films shoot-outs like ballets. John Woo doesn’t do dumb macho action movies. Sure, he directs some huge, wild and violent action scenes. Only, there’s soul in his work. In movies like “Face/Off”,…
Cold Mountain
“Just ‘cause you feel it, doesn’t mean it’s there…” – Radiohead Love and art go together, always have. Seriously, at least one out of every two songs is about love, and every other book or movie has some amorous sentiment in it. One of the most extreme manifestations of love in art is the big romantic epic, in which people overcome impossible obstacles to win…
Movie Infos Title: Forget Paris Rating: Year: 1995 Director: Billy Crystal Ah, did that movie make me feel good. The story is narrated by a bunch of friends around a table who are celebrating the upcoming wedding of one of them. The groom starts telling his wife about the romance between Mickey and Ellen, who aren’t there yet. For the next 100 minutes or so,…
Movie Infos Title: Wild Things Year: 1998 Director: John McNaughton Writer: Stephen Peters Starring: Kevin Bacon Matt Dillon Neve Campbell Denise Richards Bill Murray … Time: 108 min. Genre: Crime / Thriller Blue Bay, Florida. A posh town by-the-sea where sex-tingled intrigues abound. Sam Lombardo is a guidance counselor at the local high school. The guy’s a stud, and many believes that he’s a womanizing…
The 40 Year Old Virgin
Poor production values, uninspired direction and clumsy storytelling should sink any movie, but “The 40 Year Old Virgin” stays afloat through sheer audacity, constant hilarity and unexpected sweetness. The R-rated envelope-pushing and the belly laughs aren’t that surprising considering that much of the players here were also involved in Anchorman, last year’s funniest movie, but I never thought I would identify so much with the…
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
That’s Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe)? My, he’s so tall, low-voiced, strong… Dangerous. His getting back at his old bitchy aunt early in the film is played for laughs, but I found it creepy. The little wizard is becoming more and more powerful, and those that cross him have to watch out that he doesn’t explode on them – this kid’s a timebomb. The movie as…
The Polar Express
As he’s beginning to doubt the existence of Santa Claus, a boy is taken on an amazing journey to the North Pole by the titular train. Stories don’t get much simpler than that but often, what’s simple is true. In any case, “The Polar Express” is a very visual picture, especially if you have the chance to see the IMAX 3D version. The picture was…
In & Out
Aah, homosexuality, one of life’s true joys… Well, not one of mine, but I respect those who decide to go the gay way. These days, we see more and more queers on our screens. But more than often, they’re just the funny sidekicks. In that light, a movie like “In & Out” is refreshing; the whole movie is about sexual identity. Kevin Kline plays a…
Ah, Hollywood. The name reminds of what’s bad but also of what’s good in the movie industry. Just think of “Casablanca” or “Gone With the Wind”. Yeah, there was a time when movies became classics. Love wasn’t stuck in romantic comedies. No, Hollywood was making epics. But for some reason, Hollywood kind of lost its breath for a while, and filmmakers started to make smaller,…
Ocean’s Thirteen
George Clooney himself has admitted that he and the boys botched the first sequel to their gleefully enjoyable Ocean’s Eleven, too busy as they were partying it up through Europe. The implication being that they’d put more effort in this third instalment, which would be a return to the easygoing slickness of the original (remake). Is it? Kinda… It’s definitely an improvement over Ocean’s Twelve,…