Robert Zemeckis

  1978 I Wanna Hold Your Hand 32 [ Phony Beatlemania has bitten the dust, but 40 years ago it was in full outbreak as the Fab Four first came to the US to play the Ed Sullivan Show. This movie is about girls who will do anything to meet their idols. It’s played for laughs, but I found this tale of stalking and obsession…

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The Ladykillers

“You, madam, are addressing a man, who is in fact quiet… and yet, not quiet, if I may offer to you a riddle.” For those who thought we’d lost the Coen brothers to the mainstream with Intolerable Cruelty, fear not: their latest is as delightfully offbeat as anything they’ve ever done. Professor Goldthwait Higgenson Dorr (a Colonel Sanders-looking Tom Hanks) is a brilliant criminal mind…

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The Expendables 2

  The original The Expendables was enjoyable enough, but… Well, it was a great idea – let’s put a bunch of old-school action stars together and let them go to town – but the execution was flawed at best. As I wrote at the time, “If it had come out in the 1980s, during the golden age of the genre, it wouldn’t be held up…

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Movie Infos Title: Punch-Drunk Love Rating: Year: 2002 Director: Paul Thomas Anderson Writer: PT Anderson Starring: Adam Sandler Emily Watson … Genre: Quirky Romance   Harmonium Cars Plungers Sisters Violence Tears Phone Pudding Blackmail LoveIt’s like Paul Thomas Anderson throws ten colored balls into the air… Watches them soar… Watches them fall back down in a frenzied mess… But he catches one, then another, and…

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Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle

Harold and Kumar are sons of immigrants who taught them the importance of working hard, getting good grades and appreciating the opportunities offered by America, but what the two young men really want is to get high and get laid. And on the particular night the movie takes place, they also desperately crave White Castle burgers! The bulk of the flick has them driving, hang…

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Tropic Thunder

“Man, this was the biggest dichotomy I ever had on a job: it was the single most difficult job, yet the most fun I’ve ever had, ever. To get to have an M-16 in my hands every day for 5 months, running around in the jungle, jumping in the water, and then to be able to make jokes while you’re doing it… And then to…

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The Marine

I’m so happy I could cry. You all know there’s nothing quite as fun to me as ’80s Hollywood action flicks and, while I love The Matrix, I often wish the genre wouldn’t have seemingly gone all cyberpunk on us. There have been some sporadic attempts at bringing it back to the basics, while not stooping down to the cheap straight-to-video crap Seagal and Van…

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Movie Infos Title: Gangs of New York Year: 2002 Director: Martin Scorsese It doesn’t take long before we feel that Martin Scorsese’s ambitious dream project about the early, brutal days of New York City has been compromised. I’m not the one to assess who’s to blame, maybe Scorsese himself messed up, but this is not the masterpiece this could have been. Irish immigrants led by…

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2016 log (9)

  (5 Sep) Speed 2: Cruise Control (1997, Jan de Bont)27 [ “That’s a stupid idea.” Here’s “Speed 2”, or “Digital Readout: The Movie”, in which “computer psycho” Willem Dafoe magically plants bombs or whatnot and takes control of all the systems on a cruise ship, with convenient digital readouts on everything letting us know how much time is left before this or that stupid…

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Movie Infos Title: 25th Hour Rating: Year: 2002 Director: Spike Lee  I consider Spike Lee to be one of the most vital American filmmakers. His other movies can be rough around the edges, sometimes barking really loud without being as incisive as they could be, but one thing they never do is leave you indifferent. This is particularly true of Lee’s latest joint, the first…

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