Top 10 Candidates For The Next Great Reboot

  Modern Hollywood thrives on reboots. That doesn’t necessarily mean that the industry is out of original ideas, as many like to suggest. But producers do know the easiest ways to make money, and one is certainly to tap into a known, or even legendary title and bring it back to life. It’s something we’ve seen a lot in recent years and will certainly continue…

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2016 log (5)

(9 May) X-Men: Apocalypse (2016, Bryan Singer)63 [ Reviewed on Extra Beurre ] (13 May) High-Rise (2016, Ben Wheatley)90 (16 May) The Flash S02E21 “The Runaway Dinosaur” (2016, Kevin Smith) [ I’m intrigued by the mix of comic book sci-fi and melodrama but, obviously, seeing this one episode out of context, having never watched “The Flash” before, makes it hard to get everything and feel…

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Life is a Miracle

Has war ever been so joyful? That’s Emir Kusturica for you: even when telling a Shakes- pearian story of impossible romance between star-crossed lovers on opposite sides of wartime Bosnia (circa 1992), he can’t help but infuse his film with optimism, quirkiness and upbeat music by his No Smoking Orchestra. In fact, for about half the movie, no one on screen seems too worried that…

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Movie Infos Title: Ed Wood Rating: Year: 1994 Director: Tim Burton After his death, Edward D. Wood Jr. was voted Worst Director of All Times. Since there are tons of bad movies, to be named the worst there’s gotta be a certain quality about your work, some imagination through the mediocrity. The thing with Wood seems to be that he was so much in love…

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Weird Science

Oh Man! This film is so cheesy, but in a fun, entertaining way. It’s hard to believe it wasn’t made by Troma, it’s just so… Okay, just let me summarize the story and you’ll understand. You got Wyatt and Gary, two absolute geeks. They’re outcasts at highschool, and there’s no way a girl would even look at them. Jocks like Ian and Max keep bugging…

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Movie Infos Title: Red Heat Year: 1988 Director: Walter Hill Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger James Belushi Peter Boyle Ed O’Ross Gina Gershon … If you’re familiar with my reviews, you know that I dig macho action movies, especially the ones from the 80s. This one is no exception. You’ve got all the clichés, and they’re executed with style; not as well as in “Commando, but still…

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Anchorman: The Legend of Rob Burgundy

Jean-François Tremblay: I thought I laughed hard at “Dodgeball” ’s crazy antics, but I now see it pales in comparison to the uncontrollable and oh so enjoyable bursts of laughter I experienced during “Anchorman”. In this wackiest of tale about a fictitious 1970s newsroom anchor, we have frat boy humor, a delirious animated sequence in a place called Pleasuretown, a touch of female empowerment but,…

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Swimming Pool

Sarah Morton (Charlotte Rampling) is an uptight, lonely British crime fiction writer, author of the best-selling Inspector Dorwell series. She’s getting tired of plotting tales of “blood, sex and money”, so her publisher offers her to go live in his house in the South of France to try and find her muse back. The film follows her around as she tours said house, a gorgeous…

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Terrence Malick is truly a one of a kind filmmaker. His debut is “Badlands”, seemingly a road movie about a young couple of rebels on the run but actually the opposite of that restrictive description. He spent five years working on his sophomore effort, “Days of Heaven”, an amazing film about endless fields, grasshoppers and a love triangle, too. Then he literally took off and…

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3000 Miles to Graceland

Here’s yet another dumb, overblown, unoriginal popcorn flick but you know what? It’s actually kind of fun. Stuff blows up for no reason, men bullshit, women are brainless sluts, countless cops and innocents are killed, Elvis is everywhere and I’m sitting there watching all this nonsense and I can’t help but grin. One of the things that’s the most hard to believe is that this…

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