Movie Infos Title: Chasing Amy Year: 1997 Director: Kevin Smith Ben Affleck plays a twentysomething comic book artist whose life is stalling. He’s having a blast, but he’s not quite satisfied with his relationships. You see, he’d like to find true love. And hey, he does! He meets the perfect girl: incredibly cute, really funny, just downright lovable. There’s just one tiny problem: the lady…

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The Prestige

  You may not know this about me but for a couple of years, I worked as a magician’s assistant, just as Alfred Borden AKA The Professor (Christan Bale) and Robert Angier AKA The Great Danton (Hugh Jackman) are to Ricky Jay at the beginning of the film. I never went out on my own as a performer and got into a rivalry with a…

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William Shakespeare’s Romeo + Juliet

This is a very cool adaptation of the classic Shakespeare play. It’s set in fair Verona, where two families, the Capulet and the Montague, are in war. But Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet are madly in love, no matter what their relatives think of each other. The film follows the original story very closely, except that the action is set nowadays. Guns replace swords and…

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Movie Infos Title: X-Men Year: 2000 Director: Bryan Singer Writer: David Hayter, Christopher McQuarrie, Joss Whedon, Tom DeSanto Genre: Action / Sci-Fi Here’s a movie that, even after seeing it, I can hardly believe was made. They did it, they finally made a damn good Marvel movie, and it’s the X-Men! Like most guys, there was a time in my late childhood/early teenage years where…

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Imagine Me & You

Shouldn’t Adaptation have put the final nail in the Happy Together pop song cue coffin? Oh, it’s a great tune, but it’s been played to death. Hey, when Wong Kar-Wai has not only used a track in one of his films but named it after it, it deserves to be put to rest. Anyway, here we have a whole romantic comedy (what else) building towards…

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Movie Infos Title: The Naked Gun Year: 1988 Director: David Zucker Writer: Jerry Zucker, Jim Abrahams Starring: Leslie Nielsen Priscilla Presley Ricardo Montalban O. J. Simpson George Kennedy … Comedies aren’t easy movies to make, or to review. You could have the best director in the world, a great story and a wonderful cast, but if it ain’t funny, it’s pointless. How can you make…

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Movie Infos Title: Magnolia Year: 1999 Director: Paul Thomas Anderson Writer: Paul Thomas Anderson Starring: John C. Reilly Julianne Moore Philip Baker Hall Tom Cruise Jason Robards … “You may be through with the past, but the past’s not through with you.” Writer-director Paul Thomas Anderson‘s third feature is more than a film. I know it’s a cliché, but “Magnolia” is an experience. It’s the…

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Assault on Precinct 13

It’s Saturday in Anderson county, the last night before the 13th precinct police station is permanently relocated. The place is left in the care of Lt. Bishop, a character straight out of the best Blaxploitation, and he’s accompanied only by a couple of secretaries until a prison bus arrives with three prisoners, one of which is sick and he has to stay put somewhere. The…

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Movie Infos Title: Lethal Weapon 3 Year: 1992 Director: Richard Donner Starring: Mel Gibson Danny Glover Joe Pesci Rene Russo Stuart Wilson … If you’ve read my reviews of the previous films of the series, you know how much I love them: they’re among the finest action flicks of the 80s. The third outing is still really cool, as our favorite LAPD cops hit the…

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2007 log (3)

(1 Mar) The Last Mimzy (2007, Robert Shaye)23 [ Read my interview with Shaye in Voir ] (2 Mar) Zodiac (2007, David Fincher) [ review ] 59 (5 Mar) I Think I Love My Wife (2007, Chris Rock)41 [ Vite, on produit un remake hollywoodien de “L’Amour l’après-midi” d’Éric Rohmer : à qui faites-vous appel pour scénariser, réaliser et jouer dans cette nouvelle version de…

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