Movie Infos Title: Raising Arizona Year: 1987 Director: Joel Coen Writer: Ethan Coen, Joel Coen Starring: Nicolas Cage Holly Hunter John Goodman Trey Wilson William Forsythe … Nicolas Cage‘s a jailbird, but he ain’t such a bad guy. With his goofy hair, his mustache, his wide-eyed look, his Woody Woodpecker tattoo and his Hawaiian shirts, he actually seems harmless. It’s just that he prefers robbing…

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2012 log (6)

(1 Jun) C.R.A.Z.Y. (2005, Jean-Marc Vallée) [ review ] 85   (9 Jun) Jersey Shore Shark Attack (2012, John Shepphird) 32 [ There’s this whole subgenre of cheapie made-for-TV B-movie knockoffs of “Jaws” involving various species of killer fish or reptiles. The latest is this shark slasher flick that, as its title implies, doubles as a spoof of MTV’s already self-parodic reality TV show about spectacularly moronic, trashy and obnoxious…

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Now, this is what I call visionnary sci-fi – even though the bulk of the film is made up of scenes of people sitting and talking in a car. I mean, that’s the future: not spaceships, but the back of a stretch limousine filled with touch screens, where a twentysomething billionaire does business with various associates en route while, outside the limo’s bulletproof windows, the…

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The Royal Tenenbaums

Eli Cash (the gloriously cool Owen Wilson) has always wanted to be a Tenenbaum, ever since he was a kid living across the street. He always envied these children who inspired their mother Etheline (Angelica Huston) to write a book entitled “A Family of Geniuses”. Like the Glass family in J.D. Salinger’s post-Catcher oeuvre, the Tenenbaums spawned one whiz kid after another: Chas (Ben Stiller),…

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Gaspar Noé

Photo: © Thomas Laisne / Corbis 1998 Seul contre tous 48 [ It opens with a man giving his definition of morality and justice (it involves a gun), followed by a thick slab of exposition summing up what happened in “Carne”, Gaspar Noé’s short film in which he introduced the nameless butcher played by Philippe Nahon. He is now out of prison, living with another…

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Hot Fuzz

“Well, I won’t argue that it was a no holds barred, adrenaline-fueled thrill ride.” What a great time to be an action cinema fan! Right about now, you’re probably saying, “Dude, what the hell are you talking about? Hot Fuzz ain’t an action movie, it’s a spoof of one!” You’ve got some attitude, Mister. Besides, you’re wrong! Writer-director Edgar Wright and star/co-writer Simon Pegg are…

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  “An idea is like a virus, resilient, highly contagious. The smallest seed of an idea can grow. It can grow to define or destroy you.” Rarely do we see a picture that so deviously blurs the line between Hollywood blockbuster and art-house film. I guess Christopher Nolan‘s own “The Dark Knight” kinda fits the definition, but even that remained a pulpy genre movie, however…

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City of Angels

Los Angeles, nowadays. Unknowingly to us humans, angels wander around the City of Angels, providing enlightenment and guiding the departing souls. Wearing dark trench-coats, they gracefully walk from beaches at sunset, to the windy tops of skyscrapers, from hospitals to libraries. One of them is the melancholy Seth. Even though he loves eternity and undying bliss, he also longs for the primitive human pleasures. The…

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Movie Infos Title: Pitch Black Rating: Year: 2000 Director: David N. Twohy Writer: Ken Wheat, Jim Wheat, David Twohy  Here’s the kind of film that usually comes and goes unnoticed, barely a bleep on everybody’s radar. You know, it’s mid-February, people are awaiting the Oscars, summer is still far off… And the studios release a bunch of flicks they greenlighted but are not that confident…

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Happy Gilmore

Adam Sandler plays Happy Gilmore, a not that bad guy who just happens to have a short fuse. Don’t mess with this guy, unless you wanna get your ass kicked! He likes to think of himself as a hockey player and he would love to play pro, but though he can snap the puck harder than anyone else, his lame skating and brutal attitude are…

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